How-to create a reverse proxy to any other domain with Cloudflare workers
How-to create a reverse proxy to any other domain with Cloudflare workers
Why would you want this you may ask?
- Sometimes you can't change the downstream domain (or it costs money! e.g. on notion sites or elsewhere)
- Sometimes you want to take content from 2 different sites and merge them onto one domain
Simple version - just proxy everything (on this route) to another domain
- Create a new worker (can use hello world)
- Update it with reverse proxy code (below)
- Add the route matching you want in the Cloudflare worker routes for your chosen domain
Reverse proxy code
addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
const proxySite = ''
async function handleRequest(request) {
const { pathname } = new URL(request.url)
// Only GET requests work with this proxy.
if (request.method !== 'GET') return MethodNotAllowed(request)
// we don't need to do the route matching here as we do it in cloudflare dashboard
// much more efficient as only use worker when we have to
//Proxy Blog and Static assets
// if (pathname == '' || pathname =='/' || pathname.startsWith("/blog") || pathname.startsWith("/_next") || pathname.startsWith('/static/img/next/') || pathname.startsWith('/data-literate-demo')) {
// return fetch(`${pathname}`)
// } else {
// return fetch(`${pathname}`)
// }
return fetch(`${proxySite}${pathname}`)
function MethodNotAllowed(request) {
return new Response(`Method ${request.method} not allowed.`, {
status: 405,
headers: {
'Allow': 'GET'
Setup worker route
More elaborate: use cloudflare to combine two distinct backend sites into one url space.
Here i want to combine two sites together. For example, a framer website for some pages and a Flowershow website for other pages.
Reverse proxy code for 2 sites
addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
const proxySite = ''
const flowershowSite = ''
async function handleRequest(request) {
const { pathname } = new URL(request.url)
// Only GET requests work with this proxy.
if (request.method !== 'GET') return MethodNotAllowed(request)
//Proxy various things to
if (pathname == '' || pathname =='/'
|| pathname == '/paper'
|| pathname == '/course'
|| pathname == '/newsletter'
|| pathname.startsWith('/about')
|| pathname.startsWith("/art")
|| pathname == "/ecosystem"
) {
return fetch(`${proxySite}${pathname}`)
} else {
return fetch(`${flowershowSite}${pathname}`)
// return fetch(`${proxySite}${pathname}`)
function MethodNotAllowed(request) {
return new Response(`Method ${request.method} not allowed.`, {
status: 405,
headers: {
'Allow': 'GET'