
How-to create a reverse proxy to any other domain with Cloudflare workers

How-to create a reverse proxy to any other domain with Cloudflare workers

Why would you want this you may ask?

  • Sometimes you can't change the downstream domain (or it costs money! e.g. on notion sites or elsewhere)
  • Sometimes you want to take content from 2 different sites and merge them onto one domain

Simple version - just proxy everything (on this route) to another domain

  1. Create a new worker (can use hello world)
  2. Update it with reverse proxy code (below)
  3. Add the route matching you want in the Cloudflare worker routes for your chosen domain


Reverse proxy code

addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {

const proxySite = 'https://flowershow.app/'

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const { pathname } = new URL(request.url)
  // Only GET requests work with this proxy.
  if (request.method !== 'GET') return MethodNotAllowed(request)

  // we don't need to do the route matching here as we do it in cloudflare dashboard
  // much more efficient as only use worker when we have to
  //Proxy Blog and Static assets
  // if (pathname == '' || pathname =='/' || pathname.startsWith("/blog") || pathname.startsWith("/_next") || pathname.startsWith('/static/img/next/') || pathname.startsWith('/data-literate-demo')) {
  //      return fetch(`https://next.datahub.io${pathname}`)
  // } else {
  //  return fetch(`https://datahub.io${pathname}`)
  // }

  return fetch(`${proxySite}${pathname}`)

function MethodNotAllowed(request) {
  return new Response(`Method ${request.method} not allowed.`, {
    status: 405,
    headers: {
      'Allow': 'GET'

Setup worker route


More elaborate: use cloudflare to combine two distinct backend sites into one url space.

Here i want to combine two sites together. For example, a framer website for some pages and a Flowershow website for other pages.

Reverse proxy code for 2 sites

addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {

const proxySite = 'https://2r.framer.website'
const flowershowSite = 'https://ecosystem-7yh.pages.dev'

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const { pathname } = new URL(request.url)
  // Only GET requests work with this proxy.
  if (request.method !== 'GET') return MethodNotAllowed(request)

  //Proxy various things to 
  if (pathname == '' || pathname =='/'
    || pathname == '/paper'
    || pathname == '/course'
    || pathname == '/newsletter'
    || pathname.startsWith('/about')
    || pathname.startsWith("/art")
    || pathname == "/ecosystem"
    ) {
    return fetch(`${proxySite}${pathname}`)
  } else {
    return fetch(`${flowershowSite}${pathname}`)

  // return fetch(`${proxySite}${pathname}`)

function MethodNotAllowed(request) {
  return new Response(`Method ${request.method} not allowed.`, {
    status: 405,
    headers: {
      'Allow': 'GET'

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